Environmental Care

What Mrs. Kohli has always defended, is animal welfare and care.

Animal Persecution in Costa Rica


It is regrettable, worrying and even embarrassing, to see our government authorities, that in recent days have taken a position of "persecuting our animals", this has reached a level of extreme concern and that is why, as an organization that invests in animal welfare, we make a call not to continue with such reprehensible actions.

For the entire population of our country, The event that triggered this persecution was the intervention of Ponderosa Adventure Park, in which the affected species were Giraffes, this fact undoubtedly shook the country to turn against said action.

Days later, a serpentarium located in Monteverde was also intervened, business that had been working legally for years.

Also in Rio Cuarto, a natural macaw sanctuary will also be intervened be closed.

This unfortunate persecution of different animal species, is worrisome at the time it occurs, since in the midst of a small push for economic and tourist reactivation, many people will be left without employment, because of this government persecution.

As a Foundation we also understand that these actions of the Government are to enforce the legislation, but we have some questions: What if instead of focusing on animal persecution, they channel those efforts into the arrest and intervention of cases in which illegal animal trafficking occurs? If the government care so much about animals, what have they done for the Crucitas case? What has been done to help street animals?

Now is not the time, nor the right place. and they are not focused on what is truly worrying. No more animal persecution!

Animal Welfare

What Mrs. Kohli has always defended, is animal welfare and care, that is why she has sponsored and participated in many cat neutering campaigns in local communities and in prisons.

Helping Red Macaws Population

As part of Mrs. Wendy constant commitment and investment with the environment, and based on strategic alliances that the foundation makes, three nests for red macaws were installed in the Hotel and Club Punta Leona.

Soon her children Sean and Cassia, will participate in a Volunteer Program in Costa Rica, working in beach cleaning and also taking care of injured sea turtles, protecting eggs from poachers and releasing baby sea turtles back into the ocean, this as part of a family commitment to contribute to the projects that Mrs. Wendy's Foundation is working on.